We are so excited for our new partnership with Xcelerate. We have teamed up and dived right in to a pilot project which started this summer. Xcelerate is a charity located on the north side of Bridgwater where they run educational outdoor activities for young people The charity have brilliant grounds with a large fresh water lake, several smaller ponds and wilding areas. We are really pleased to be one of the many organisations they support and we hope to help even more people in the community benefit from their mission and not least their wonderful facilities.
This summer, Live Naturally CIC is running a pilot project where we run a Wild Swimming Group, to support physical and mental health. Wild Swimming is particularly popular right now and you don't have to look far to see the numerous scientific articles and research acknowledging the dramatic positive impact a cold plunge has on our mental and physical health.
Everyone who has attended our open water swimming sessions has really enjoyed it and felt the benefits already! One of our attendees, a young girl with Cerebal Palsey, who struggles with back pain and anxiety has been swimming 3 times now and says the swimming has relieved her back pains and made her more confident. One lady, suffering with anxiety and depression said that the swimming is a highlight of her week and another parent of one the girls who swims regularly has reported a positive impact of her physical and mental health. Others have reported better mood and better sleep as a result of the swimming.
The pilot project group is currently fully booked, but we are in the process of applying for grant funding to expand this offer further. If you are interested in joining for later sessions, please fill in the form below to express your interest and we will get back to you when more spaces become available.
Please click on this link to fill in this survey:
